Rental Condition Rankings
The quality of our rentals is important to us and you so we have broken down how we rank the condition of our rentals into 3 stages.
Very good - The rental is brand new, or has no noticeable or significant flaws to be aware of.
Good - The rental is in expected rental condition after being worn a number of times, there may be slight fabric pulls or indents over time from fashion/boob tape. These flaws won't affect the wearability of the garment and shouldn't be very noticeable.
Well loved - A well worn rental that may have small marks, mending that can be noticed up close but not significant from a distance or seen in standard photos. Larger more noticeable pulls. If a rental has reached this stage it will likely be discounted and/or photos of the concerned areas will be attached to the product page.
Please reach out if you would like a further in depth description of a rentals condition. Please be familiar with a rentals condition ranking before renting. If a rental you booked changes condition stage after you book and before your event we will always contact you to make you aware and either refund or find a new rental option if this will affect your event.